Tuesday, June 24, 2008

YouTube – a true industry leader

It’s time to talk a bit about what made the Jogli revolution possible. The fact that we can all go to http://www.jogli.com/ and listen to the music we like without the hustle of downloading it, is the result of the streaming revolution.

Platforms were launched that allow users to upload content and share it for other users to view, in streaming, without downloads. It’s a fairly new revolution. And the leader of this revolution is, definitely YouTube.

But, YouTube does not only allow users to enjoy content in http://www.youtube.com/ web site. It also allows other sites to embed YouTube content. Now, about a month ago YouTube launched its new API, which is an amazing platform to develop cool things on top of the YouTube content. By doing this – YouTube establishes new standards in the streaming revolution – YouTube actively supports initiatives like http://www.jogli.com/ , and becomes not only the leading web site in streaming video, but also the base of all the new cool things that people can do with streaming video. Things like Jogli.

Click on the link below to see what we have done by using the new YouTube API, and while you’re at it, you can listen to the entire album “the dark side of the moon" for free”. WTG YouTube for your new API!!!


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